Lipinsky > China - Frauen - Recht > Chinesiches Recht und Gender in der Sinologie

Here you have direct access to my publications in the English language.

    • Concept of an East Asian Rechtskreis
      This article was published in the conference volume of the 第八屆東亞法哲學研討會論文集:後繼受時代的東亞法文化 - 2012 East Asian Conference on Philosophy of Law: East Asian Legal Cultures in the Age of Post-Reception in Taipei.
      >> pdf1 | pdf2
    • D+C Government birth planning China
      This text gives an overview of the Chinese birth planning policy and of recent 2-children-developments.
      >> pdf
    • Not only for women – The first Western language account of the Taiwanese women's movement
      The article is a review of the book by Doris T. Chang, „Women's movements in twentieth century Taiwan“. The Taiwanese women's movement is rarely known in Western countries, although Taiwanese feminists have studied and critically adopted most Western theories. The review includes an overview of other comments on the book in the Chinese and English languages that are available so far. | 546 kb, 6p
      >> pdf
    • Conference Reports
      English language reports are about the 2013 annual Conference on national anti-discrimination legislation and activities. The second report deals with the European-East Asian Dialogue Forum on Legal History, November 2013 in Beijing.
      >> pdf
    • Gender Issues of Transitional Justice in Taiwan and their Relevance for Today’s Women’s Movement.
      In: Schick-Chen, Agnes; Lipinsky, Astrid (Hrsg.): Justice Restored? Between Rehabili­tation and Reconciliation in China and Taiwan. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, S. 95 – 126.
      The paper argues to re-write Taiwanese women’s her-story from a transitional justice perspective. Such a new women’s legacy is contrasted with the official her-story celebrating women’s achievements.
    • Unmarried Women in Their 40s in Taiwan. Report on Initial Research, March 2015
      In: 《台灣學誌》第13期 2016年4 月 頁109-117
      >> pdf